Developing Communities
by Developing People
Catalyst Community Capital, Inc. is a mission-driven financial institution that seeks to empower entrepreneurs and advance affordable housing initiatives by providing capital and technical assistance to small businesses and mission-aligned developers.
Catalyst supports economic growth and revitalizes low-income communities by increasing the flow of capital to small businesses and mission-driven developers and organizations. The Catalyst team brings together a deep understanding of finance, business acumen, and a host of other resources to address economic and social issues.
Catalyst Community Capital grows communities by growing people. We work with like-minded civic and human-service groups, small business owners looking to expand, and emerging developers who seek to build affordable and workforce housing by helping them navigate through the development process and providing loans to those who don’t yet qualify for traditional financing. These newly minted entrepreneurs, in turn, put their skills to work bettering themselves, their families, and their communities.
Our Strategy

Our Vision
Our vision is to serve as a catalyst for economic growth, evolution, and prosperity by offering equal access to opportunity. Our organization designs innovative ways to make financing attainable to low-and moderate-income communities and underserved populations, supported by a for-profit firm that similarly uses development for social good.

How We Do It
Commercial Loans
Flexible funding for real estate developers, entrepreneurs and mission-aligned organizations
Catalyst offers financing for housing developers, small business owners and mission-aligned organizations. Our loans range from $100,000 to $5,000,000 for the acquisition, refinance, or construction of affordable and workforce housing, commercial real estate, and community facilities.
Development Services
Impactful projects that help revitalize communities and improve lives
Catalyst partners with public housing authorities, for profit and nonprofit developers, and mission-aligned organizations to develop affordable, mixed-income and workforce housing projects in Florida. We provide assistance throughout the entire lifecycle of a project, and help navigate the often complex funding process and arrange financing. For information on market rate projects developed by Catalyst Asset Management, visit www.catalystcd.com.
Training and resources to help organizations grow
Catalyst is more than just a lender. We help burgeoning real estate developers and nonprofit organizations grow and build capacity by providing training and technical assistance, and sharing resources such as access to our network of professionals and capital sources.