Partnering with Catalyst
Catalyst Collaboration
Catalyst partners with banks, credit unions, municipalities and other mission-aligned organizations to develop and manage community development loan programs.
Small Business Loan Funds
Creating economic development programs
Catalyst works with municipalities to create economic development programs, including microenterprise loan funds, using CDBG and other program funds. Catalyst can help develop program guidelines, process applications, and manage the disbursement and servicing of loans.
Public Private Partnerships
Partnering with public agencies to create funding programs for under-served communities
Catalyst works with municipalities and public agencies to develop and administer funding prorgrams for microenterprises and small businesses located within, or providing goods and services to, low- and moderate-income communities.
Expanding Lending Platforms
Partnering with banks and credit unions to offer flexible funding options
Catalyst partners with banks, credit unions and other commercial lenders to offer loans and other funding options to small businesses that are not yet qualified for conventional loans. We help banks and credit unions develop risk management strategies that allow them to extend credit to start-ups and small businesses that otherwise wouldn't qualify under current guidelines.