SEC officials’ statement encourages COVID-19 disclosures

White Papers, Data, Joe Bonora
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White Papers, Data, Joe Bonora
SEC officials’ statement encourages COVID-19 disclosures
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White Papers, Data, Joe Bonora
The small business owner's guide to the CARES Act
Business owners have been strongly affected by COVID-19 and are left with many questions. The programs and initiatives in the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act passed by Congress are intended to assist them in overcoming the current challenges. Baker Tilly developed the below FAQs to guide business owners as well as certain not-for-profits and other employers during this uncertain time.
NOTICE: Baker Tilly is providing updated information as it becomes available. Due to the nature of the emerging and rapidly evolving information from government and non-government relief programs, some requirements and offerings may change before they are listed here. Please consult with your loan officer for the most current details.
Baker Tilly has a comprehensive set of solutions available to assist qualifying businesses that have received, or will receive, loan proceeds that may be eligible for forgiveness under the Paycheck Protection Program.
Learn more on how Baker Tilly can help you navigate the PPP.
Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) loans
The program provides cash-flow assistance through 100% federally guaranteed loans to employers who maintain their payroll during this emergency. If employers maintain their payroll, the loans are forgiven up to the full principal amount of qualifying loans guaranteed under the PPP, which would help your workers remain employed, as well as help your small businesses and our economy to snap back quicker after the crisis.
PPP has a host of attractive features, such as forgiveness of up to eight weeks of payroll based on employee retention and salary levels, no SBA fees and at least six months of deferral with maximum deferrals of up to a year. Small businesses and other eligible entities will be able to apply if they were harmed by COVID-19 between Feb. 15, 2020, and June 30, 2020. This program would be retroactive to Feb. 15, 2020, to help bring workers who may have already been laid off back onto payrolls.